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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Update on Pamela's Condition

We, as Pam's family, wanted to give everyone a status update.  She last posted a week ago that she was admitted to UNC Chapel Hill because of her newly diagnosed Leukemia.  Since then they have confirmed that she has APL Leukemia.  They also found that she had a brain bleed, which was brought on by the Leukemia.  When they first saw the bleed on the Catscan they felt it was best to just keep an eye on it and most importantly to start her on her chemo and ATRA treatments.

Thursday she had a set back, when we later found out that she had a stroke.  At that point they moved her to a higher level of ICU for more intensive care. UNC Chapel Hill has provided her with a large team of doctors, from Oncology, Hemotology, Neurology and Neurosurgical and wonderful caring nurses that have given her the best care possible.

Things were touch and go over the weekend but on Monday we started to see some improvement.  In true Pamela form she is fighting hard and she is improving every day.  We are hoping they will be able to move her to the Oncology ward to finish up her her month long treatments in the next day or so.

They will continue to keep a close eye on her because she is a complicated case but we know she is a fighter and she has many wonderful friends covering her with their prayers and support.

We have read her all the wonderful notes of encouragement and it really makes her day.  Please continue to pray for her as the road ahead will be a long one, but one we KNOW she is an OVERCOMER!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

One of the things that I started yesterday was a central line. It was in no way fun, but I am so glad to have it in now.

You can see a new bruise that I have developed in my right eye.The bruises I do have ... have become tremendous.  The oncologist thinks they are not actually bruises any more - they actually my cancer trying to leave my body.

The chemo that I have started so far have been pills that I have taken under the name of ACRA.  So far that has been quite mild.  But having the central line in has been a HUGE help because fact that I do bruise so easily makes getting blood every 3-4 hours at the hospital  extremely challenging. I am a difficult stick to begin with - add that to someone who is swollen and bruised EVERYWHERE - it's been a nightmare.

Word has it that I will be adding infusion chemo tomorrow and it will be a bit more serious.  I will experience some nausea,sores on the inside of my mouth (which I experienced at the ER until they increased my platelets) losing my hair (hello purple wig!)

Unexpected - bruises.

How some of my bruises started:

This was Monday night after just getting them on Sunday night and I was thinking to myself this an't be an allergic reaction to a new medication. Nowhere in my mind was I thinking leukemia.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Unexpected - LEUKEMIA

So my last post was called "Unpexected" how little did I know just how Unexpected a turn my life was going to take.

I have struggled with whether I make this long story short - or just start from the beginning.  I will just start from the beginning since eventually  I will have to go back there anyway,

So Sunday my husband and I were out and about buying a car that we have been searching for  for literally years.  So excited that we were able to finally find it and afford it after my bonus at my new job..  But after a long day I was tired and exhausted and just wanted a nap. My husband noted that I had some new bruises on me and was like "WHOA! you better check this out.". I looked at the bruise and it was hard underneath. As I continued to undress we found many more bruises that were hard underneath.

I called the PCP on call.  Their best guess was that it was a rare reaction to new medication. But to come see my PCP on Monday

So I came in Monday morning and saw the most comparable Dr. Bloom.  He also did not think that I was presenting with erythema nodosum. But he wasn't sure what else what it could be.  He took some bloodwoork as well as a strep test, and gave me some pain medicine for some awful joint pain and headache I was having.  Told me to keep an eye on the bruises - if thy were getting bigger - more frequent, etc...

Monday night was awful - very difficult to sleep, etc...

Tuesday morning Dr. Bloom called Daren and said "Call EMS and get her to the ER immediately. Her bloodwork  is very concerning."

We went right to the ER.  We had to do some initial waiting, but not a lot. I was taken back to have a head CT, but pretty much as soon.  The  ER doc came into where we were and point blank said "I believe you have leukemia."

You want to talk about Unexpected? This was not what I had I had expected people. I am almost 5 years out from Renal Cell Carcinoma. I was expecting to celebrate that.

My new normal.... I have taken up residence at UNC Chapel Hill Hospital. I have already had my first chemo.

I have had to tell my children that their children have cancer, yet again.

UNEXPECTED.  More to come.