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Thursday, March 19, 2015

One of the things that I started yesterday was a central line. It was in no way fun, but I am so glad to have it in now.

You can see a new bruise that I have developed in my right eye.The bruises I do have ... have become tremendous.  The oncologist thinks they are not actually bruises any more - they actually my cancer trying to leave my body.

The chemo that I have started so far have been pills that I have taken under the name of ACRA.  So far that has been quite mild.  But having the central line in has been a HUGE help because fact that I do bruise so easily makes getting blood every 3-4 hours at the hospital  extremely challenging. I am a difficult stick to begin with - add that to someone who is swollen and bruised EVERYWHERE - it's been a nightmare.

Word has it that I will be adding infusion chemo tomorrow and it will be a bit more serious.  I will experience some nausea,sores on the inside of my mouth (which I experienced at the ER until they increased my platelets) losing my hair (hello purple wig!)


Unknown said...

Love you, Girl!! Hasn't leukemia heard that you have the power to kick cancer's butt'!!
I hate that you are going through this...please let me know what I can do to help and support your family~ 💜love you!! Brenda

Unknown said...

Wish I lived close by so I can come and give you lots of hugs....know that my love and prayers are with you. BELIEVE!!!!

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