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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Unexpected - where I am

So here I am.  What's up with me lately?

I did the talk on the Unexpected and how we should not ignore the times in our lives that are dark as long as do not ignore them - as long as we go through them with God.

So here I am.  I am going through a dark time.

I don't say this for a pat on the back.  I don't say this for an "Aw, Pam - it's OK." I say this because I just gave a talk on it and really it would be rather hypocritical of me if I didn't admit that I, myself, am going through a bit of a dark time, too.

Yeah, the cancer has been hard.  I have been classified as a high risk patient, which ensured that I have had to have maintenance therapy for 2 years.  Not a huge ordeal, but it's a lot to keep up with.  Pills to take that you can't miss, and schedules that you have to stay on top of.  It has taxed me because I have never really been very good at it.  So I have gotten much better at it because I have had to.

I think even harder has been my recovery from the stroke.  I hadn't considered it very much, but it has really been a lot.  According to doctors the stroke has had considerable detriment to my vestibular system - meaning the whole sensosymatic system of my body that handles the balance, focus, and concentration.  So I have gone through Vestibular Therapy 3 times a week where they "stir up" my symptoms in an effort to exercise my muscles. I have also been doing a specific kind of therapy on my feet in an effort to try to bring back some feeling in them (because I suffer from Raynaud's Syndrome as a result of peripheral neuropathy from the chemo). After doing these since the beginning of January it has been found that they really have not made that much of a difference. 3 times a week since the beginning of January.  I JUST CAN'T.  And I am not done seeing doctors.

So, yeah,  I am in a dark place right now.

A lot of you know me. You know I have been through a lot. 22 surgeries so far.  Countless visits to the hospital and doctors. And time after time after time after countless time I get back up again. It seems as though I get hit and I just get back up. I take a lick and keep on ticking so to speak. I may go to my land of denial for a while for some self preservation, but I seem to find a way to not allow these "issues" to keep me down. My faith keeps me steadfast.

And it is not that I do not have faith.  I do. But I am in a dark place.  And in keeping with practicing what I preach - I am just admitting - that is where I am. I am having a hard time.  I don't necessarily feel like I am at a place where I can take a lick and keep on ticking. I don't feel like I can practice my faith, or I can exercise my faith right now.  I don't feel like I am a good example to my children right now at what they should see when they look towards their mother for a Faith-ful woman - or a Proverbs 31 woman who can lead her children through the life they are experiencing right now.

Again - I didn't say this for a pat on the back. I didn't say this so you would have pity on me.  I just need to be honest and up front.  It's dark in here.


Unknown said...

Praying... and thanks for sharin!

Unknown said...

Praying... and thanks for sharin!

Unknown said...

I don't know what to say,except I love you so much.

Unknown said...

I don't know what to say,except I love you so much.

Unknown said...

Love you!

Unknown said...

I have been in such a place... I won't say..You can do this and go Pam...what I will tell you is this is ok too... Be dark you've earned it. Just don't stay there.Feel and then rest.You need your energy to get back at the game but in the meantime be dark.... Put yourself first when you can, and keep Praying ..a nd keep writing...

Unknown said...

I have been in such a place... I won't say..You can do this and go Pam...what I will tell you is this is ok too... Be dark you've earned it. Just don't stay there.Feel and then rest.You need your energy to get back at the game but in the meantime be dark.... Put yourself first when you can, and keep Praying ..a nd keep writing...

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