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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Unexpected - DONE WITH CHEMO

Thursday was my last day of infusion chemo.  In total I had 92 days of infusion chemo in the oncology center. I can't even fathom that.

Today we had a small end of chemo party during lunch.  I just wanted to thank some of the people that have been so helpful through all this - taking me to chemo when mom was laid up from breaking her leg, helping by driving the kids around, just helping out our family in general.  I know it's not an easy thing to help out.  But more than ever it's not easy for me to ask for help.  So we thought we would jut have a small party/get together at my favorite place to go after chemo to chow down.

We had a fantastic turn out.  I knew I wouldn't be able to get everyone there, but I was amazed at the turn out itself.  We had 30 people turn out.  It was great.  

I invited all of you there because of the roll you have played in my illness and recovery.  You all mean so much to me.  Thank you so much for all of your help. I don't even have the words to express.  And I have so much longer to go.  Getting through this infusion chemo is a huge part of my recovery and I'm so anxious to be feeling better.

But I just wanted to share a song that hit me coming home from my last chemo.  I know that when you hear/see it you will know why.

Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You never fail me and you won't start now.

When oh when will I learn this lesson oh God. Is it as I sit on the floor of my hospital room because I fell? You never fail me and you won't start now. 

Was it during those days post stroke that I don't remember? You never fail me and you won't start now.

Was it during any of those 92 days of chemo? Was it during that return to the hospital for problems with my heart?

You never fail me and you won't start now.

When will I ever learn?

Thank you for all the friends you send along the way to remind me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for inviting us to be with you on your journey...in small ways, but so meaningful. Love and hugs and prayers.

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