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Sunday, February 15, 2015


I have been involved with Upward  Cheerleading for several years. I had signed my girls up to participate when they were in kindergarten and immediately volunteered to help as a coach.  I was quickly tapped to help out further as the Commissioner of the League and served in that capacity for several years before having to step down because life was getting so crazy hectic.

But I have always loved Upward - what it was accomplishing - the people that I worked with, etc...

My daughters are about to age out and I had let Seth - the Director of the league know that he better take advantage of me this year while he could!  :)  So he asked me if I would be willing to do the devotions during halftime at one of the games.  That is probably the one thing I haven't done in all the years I have worked with Upward. I have led practices, kept the scoreboards, helped with snacks, you name it, but I have not led devotions at halftime in front of everyone attending a game.

So I, of course, said yes.  And then I struggled with what on earth I would say - and of course, that I had to say it in front of all those people.

Here is what I said.  Sorry for all of the background noise. My lovely husband did the best he could recording it.


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