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Friday, February 6, 2015


Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five. ~Pam Brown
My sister has the best sister ever.  That's not a quote - that's just me.  ;)

So this past weekend I went and surprised my sister for her 39th birthday.  Just wanted to kiss the dirty 30's goodbye with my favorite person in the world. I don't think I have ever surprised her. It's hard for me to do because we talk every day and I can't not tell her that I'm coming to see her.  Mostly because she and I together is trouble with a Capital T.

Now keep in mind - we are completely opposite.  We could not be more opposite.  We look at everything through different lenses. Fashion, parenting, entertainment, religion, you name it - she says black and I will most likely YELL WHITE while she is shaking her head in the corner going "Why are you so loud?"  

I will forever be her big sister. Do not even think about messing with her. I will be on you like white on rice. It is not known as the Wrath of Pam for no reason. You hurt her - I hurt you. Seriously.  I have done it before - I'm not afraid to do it again.

She is the ying to my yang.  The frosting to my cupcake. The pop to my tart. The mac to my cheese. The froot to my loop. The fuel to my fire! And she knows what is supposed to happen if I end up in a coma - you know exactly what I'm talking about - that one person who has your best interests at heart.  ;)

One of the best things she has ever done is her daughter, Shelby. Shelby has a fantastic raw talent for photography as you can see from these wonderful pictures and from the pictures in my previous post regarding my scars. Her day job is working as a photographer at the Clearwater Aquarium. She gets to take pictures of the dolphins Hope and Winter most days of the week.

She has grown up to be such a lovely woman. I can't wait to see where this goes for here.  The first place it needs to go is  name for her own photography business!! But she has done a few events like a wedding and a first birthday. Everything she touches is beautiful - just like her.  Thanks for the great pics!


Unknown said...

Does a mother's heart good!!! Luv U 2!!!

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