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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November Gratefulness Post - November 17

I don't know if this person will even see this post.  His name is Ian. He was my first nurse when I was at UNC Chapel Hill.  Actually, he may not have been my first.  He could have been my second. But my memory of that time is not all that great.  But as far as I'm concerned he was my first. And I did not call him Ian. I called him Starlord. Why? Because he reminded me of Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy (one of my favorite movies of all time).

He got me through some very harrowing times during those initial days. And with grace. He was incredible. We had a lot in common as far as interests. I had just come back from taking the girls to Winter Jam and I had a bunch of videos to share because it was so fun. He loved all of the bands. He was thinking of proposing to his girlfriend. We shared lots of stories.

He helped me get through to not so fun procedure of getting my PICC line installed. He helped me focus and talked me through it as the radiologists did what they needed to me as I laid in my bed.

He encouraged me through various test results that I received in my room. He was also from New England and we shared a love for Tom Brady and the New England PEvenatriots.  That right there told me he was a good egg.  :)  He brought a fantastic poster of Tom Brady to encourage me. He said it brought him good luck, so it would bring me good luck as well.  Looking back, I could use all the good luck I could get!

And on that horrible day that I had my stroke - I was talking to him when it happened. I couldn't have been in a better place or talking to a better person. He knew exactly what was happening and what to do.  No one else did.  I was looking at Daren and asking him questions and apologizing for what was happening because I didn't understand.  But Starlord, he just snapped into action. He knew. He did what needed to be done. And I will be forever grateful to him. Without him I don't know where I would be today.

He only worked in the stepdown unit that I was in when I came into the hospital. But I managed to find him before I left the hospital and he came to see me in my cancer ward. I was able to see him after he got engaged and talk to him about it. He was able to see that I recovered from my stroke and that I was responding to my chemotherapy. I am so thankful for that. I hope to go back there some day and make sure that he knows that I am in remission from this dreadful disease, and that I am so thankful for all that he did for me.


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