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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November Gratefulness Posts - November 3

My next gratefulness post is about my mother, Pat Dempsey. She is more than just my mother, she is one of my best friends. Not many of you can say that about your best friends. I don't know what I would do without my mother.

I moved down here to North Carolina with the knowledge that I would have to take care of my parents some day. Isn't that how it goes? You take care of your parents? Who knew they would end up taking care of me more in the next 11 years than any parent had any right to.

Mom ... I know.  I know that morning, in the ER.... I know you left that room when the doctor said "You have leukemia" so that I wouldn't see you crying.  You left because you had to be the strong one for me, and you couldn't be if I saw you crying.

Thank you for all that you did, not only the past 7 months with this cancer - the late nights at the hospital - checking on me at home even when I didn't want to be checked on, but for everything that you do for me.  Knowing me better than I should know myself.

I can't begin to say how grateful I am for you.  I can't even show you. I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can for you.

Thank you.


Unknown said...

Ok, I am writing this through my tears. Tears of joy, that you are my daughter and that God has blessed me with a relationship that is beyond special. You and Shannon are my heart beats! No matter what trials you face - God will find a way - that is what I prayed for the both of you, many times when you were little. He has honored that prayer and always shows the two of you the way through it all. You have faced your trials and turned them into triumphs. To say that I am proud of you and your sister would be putting it lightly. I am so thankful for YOU!!! You are a strong woman and I am honored that you are my daughter and FRIEND!

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